For a long while now, we’ve been meaning to gather friends and collaborators in the ministry to share more about our Charism. Ever since we went, with a small group of 4 ladies, to the Missionary Celebration in Miami for the 150th anniversary of the Founder, they’ve wanted to get to know us more. Finally on Saturday November 5th we gathered in our house at 2pm.

Regina gave a presentation on the life of the founders and Vivian gave one on the Claretian presence around the world and the missionary work being done in each of the countries where we are present. As the presentation went along their enthusiasm to help out in some of those works grew. Finally they decided on helping with the building of the Kinder in Timor Leste. They want to start “in small” no board of directors, no raffles, meals e
tc. to start with. Each is committing to save  something each day and once a month gather again to do a brief study of the founders, pray together and put in the amount they have saved. Some want to involve their families and coworkers in this project. After sharing ideas, we had a snack, everyone bought something to share. While they ate, more ideas came up, one of the men went to our kitchen and got a bread basket and passed it along so they would start that same day the project in Timor. Two persons were suggested to keep track of how much was collected each month. All wanted to make contact with the Sisters in Timor Leste to get more details and to start a relationship of friendship with the sisters and the people they serve.

We ended the afternoon by piling in the chapel, as it’s not so big, we squeezed in to pray vespers. During the intercessions it was obvious the prayer was being done from the heart. We decided on December10th for the next meeting. They left happy and so were we to see their enthusiasm for the Claretian spirituality, the Founders and the missionary work.